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I seen a quote that said "we will all laugh at gilded butterflies" and it made me realize i didnt know that gilded was a word and i didnt know what that word meant either. right now im sitting in class. class will end in ten minutes and then ill be on my way to central terrace where im going to meet my friends. then my friend is going to give us a ride to my house and we are gonna chill there. Anyways, i was sitting here thinking about this quote. gilded means to be sprayed with gold, coated. So its like fake jewelry. when you realize what this quote means its alot like, "everything that glitters isnt gold" because its talking about really valuable things versus things that only seem to have value from the surface. on that thought i expanded my thinking and decided that since a butterfly can be coated with gold it can also be covered in dust, covering an actually golded butterfly and making it seem not as valuable. In life its hard to tell which butterflys are which. is this situation worth waiting for, to see if this is a dust covered butterfly with more to uncovered, or is it a gilded butterfly, soon to disappoint me with a false reality being exposed.

but really none of this matters. if you value something, it had value. NO matter what it looks like. so if you took a gilded butterfly and put some meaning and love behind it, it'll be just as amazing as a pure gold butterfly. life consists of so many situations that you might as well be optomistic instead of pestimistic.

instead of assuming the worse, feeling the worse, or being paranoid, try to replace that feeling with relaxation.

its really important to realize that even if you are playing with mud instead of toys, you are the one making the fun. one kid could be so ungrateful for a brand new set of toys while another could be happy just to be in the sun or feel a breeze of cool air.

raise your head right, raise your morals right, have fun and find something you like in everything. gratitude is the ultimate cure for anxiety, fears, paranoiah. i highly highly reccommend to regularly remind yourself what you truly are grateful for, then think of 5 random silly things that you are grateful for for no reason, just for the fun of liking them and enjoying things.

i love you all. have an amazing day. love is endless. share your light. you are beautiful. dont stop being you. have fun. smile back. patrick star is always with you <3

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