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four poems

Little Johnny

Little Johnny played all day

His tablet hardly stowed away

The music rings and fills his ears

The games he plays are filled with cheers

His worries fade about his peers

The thoughts erased of all his tears

The only thing that's left to fear

Is papa saying, “give that here”

But for now it’s okay for Little Johnny to play,

While papa plays away on his tablet

Properly Popped

The butter is necessary

If you want to enjoy

One of the finest consumptions

You'll ever bestow

A bit of seasoning

Don't put too much for show

And lay the butter in layers

Don't pour it all in a go

Toss it here, toss it there,

But don't throw out the corns

Cus You'll wish you had more

Make sure to properly pop

Only 15 seconds past a minute

If there's still seeds in the bag

Put them back in till they finish


I hate how everybody thinks

If I can’t do math I really stink

I’m lazy and outta control

I'm sleepy and addicted to adhorol

They see these things I do not see

Cus when i look in the mirror I see me

I see my hair that’s started to grow I see my body that does not show

I see my eyes, all filled with dreams

I see my teeth, they seem to gleam

I've made it far, I’m proud to say

My love for myself is not astray

If they cant see

how strong I am

They don’t deserve

My multiplication


I was thinking of water,

Thinking of the sun,

I’m Grateful i'm living,

My time’s not all done.

I sit with the people

We share the space

Crowding in a metal box

Heading to the same place,

My eyes are tearing up,

I'm thinking of your smiles,

All the hugs and the voices

I won't hear for a while.

I'm thinking of how you might

Go while i'm gone and how

I might not get to hear you singing your song

Again and again like we did years ago

In the house i just left

the one I used to call home

and my memories Stayed

in my heart they're here

On this bus by these people

I sit and I stare

at the trees as they buzz past

They blur like my life

Going past faster then the sounds

But im calm, there's no spite

I see you dancing in yards

We explored and we found

We were happy and i can think of our memories now

As long as i don't forget i'll be happy forever.

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